We at New Zealand Construction Industry Council (NZCIC) believe that health and safety are of utmost importance for the construction sector and those that work within it. As the COVID-19 coronavirus spreads, we want to ensure that we’re providing the most accurate and up-to-date information for our members and industry partners. As such, we’ll be taking our lead from Construction Health & Safety New Zealand (CHASNZ) on providing accurate information and suggestions for best practices. Keep an eye out as we’ll be updating this page weekly.
Our Position Statement to Government
COVID-19 Position Statement_14 August 2020
Weekly updates:
Construction Sector Accord updates:
Construction Sector Accord COVID-19 Response Plan
The COVID-19 Standard for New Zealand Construction Operations
COVID-19 Standard for New Zealand Construction Operations
New Zealand COVID-19 Construction Protocols
Other useful resources:
Tips to keep work moving with BCAs remotely
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guides
Essential Services Job Checklist template
Mates in Construction – Coping with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak
COVID-19 mental health resource
CHASNZ and SiteSafe COVID-19 Contact Definitions
More on New Zealand’s COVID-19 alert levels
New Zealand COVID-19 Alert Level Summary
For even more information on how to keep you and your workforce safe, visit CHASNZ’s Toolbox Talk on their website that focuses specifically on how the COVID-19 coronavirus affects the construction industry.